Members Statements – Rod Quarrel

Mr J. BULL (Sunbury) — Last weekend Sunbury lost a wonderful community champion, Rod Quarrel. My deepest sympathies extend to Jan, Amanda, Stephen, David and their families on the death of their loved husband, father and grandfather. Rod was instrumental in the establishment of my former primary school, Sunbury Heights Primary School. In 2009 he wrote:

Prior to 1977 there were three primary schools in Sunbury …

All of these schools were situated on the north side of Gap Road. New housing estates were being built on the south side but there were no school facilities to support the growing number of families. The need for a school was well founded. The school was completed and opened at the beginning of term 3 in 1981.

To raise further money for the school, a Sunbury Heights Primary School Co-operative Limited was formed, and included two parents who worked in a bank. With other interested parents they set about obtaining a loan.

The co-op asked parents to pay $50 a family to become shareholders, stating they could get their money back when the loan was paid off.

This sums up what Rod was all about — selfless, driven, passionate, kind, decent and honest. Rod will be sadly missed by his family, his community and all who knew him.