Members Statements – Resolution of Sunbury Rail Services

Mr J. BULL (Sunbury) — On Friday, 27 November, I joined the Minister for Public Transport in Sunbury to announce that the Andrews Government will add 83 Metro Trains Melbourne services for Diggers Rest and Sunbury each week by this year’s end and ensure that local passengers retain access to most V/Line services. From 31 December 2015 all trains from 7.00 p.m. onwards will extend to Diggers Rest and Sunbury. These new services are on top of the 10 additional Metro train services being provided through the Labor government’s Night Network trial.

Last month the minister and I joined nearly 200 people at a transport workshop in Sunbury, and a further 100 had their say through an online survey. Feedback showed that people would like to see V/Line services continue stopping at Sunbury. In addition to this, from 1 January next year Sunbury passengers will be able to board all but two V/Line services — the 4.25 p.m. and the 5.04 p.m. weekday trains. These evening peak Bendigo line services are the ones that are experiencing the greatest level of overcrowding.

Many months ago I spoke with a number of concerned residents about local train services. I suggested they form a group and call it the Sunbury Train Association. Since that time the association has done a wonderful job in constructively advocating for Sunbury commuters. It went as far as producing a report on what people were asking for in the area and presented that to both Public Transport Victoria and the minister. It also met with me on numerous occasions. I thank the association’s members for all their time and effort. It is a great result for the Sunbury community and a great result for Sunbury commuters.