Members statements- Penalty rates

Mr  J. BULL — The Leader of the Opposition and the Victorian Liberal Party should hang their heads in shame after this week confirming what we have always known: they will never, ever support working people. The Deputy Leader of the Opposition confirmed this week that he supported the federal government’s changes to penalty rates and that he did not have a concern about changes to penalty rates. Well, of course he does not have a concern. He is not losing $72 from his Sunday pay. To members of my family and my friends, these are all very important rates. What a shameful position to take. What an absolute disgrace.

Honourable members interjecting.

The DEPUTY SPEAKER — Order! I appreciate that this is a very torrid time in the house, having elected a new Speaker and a new Deputy Speaker, but I would ask members to show some order and some respect, so that we can continue with statements in an orderly manner.