Adjournment- Sunbury Road duplication

Mr  J. BULL (Sunbury) — (12 216) My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, and the action I seek is for the minister to join me in inspecting Sunbury Road from where it joins the Tullamarine Freeway next to Melbourne Airport through to its entrance in Sunbury at the top of Goonawarra hill. This is a very important road. It is one of two main carriageways into Sunbury and one that has experienced significant pressure due to growth in Sunbury and the Macedon Ranges region.

I note the member for Macedon recently traversed Sunbury and Lancefield roads with the minister to discuss future duplication and the condition of the roads. I am fully supportive of this, as are the many residents in my electorate who use this road.

Sunbury Road, however, is experiencing significant pressures. At some points it is a dual carriageway, in others it is a single-lane carriageway. Residents have certainly relayed their frustrations to me about the pressure points and those interchanges where it is a dual and then single-lane carriageway. The congestion, the large volume of traffic in both the morning and afternoon peaks, and the proximity to Melbourne international airport are all placing significant stress on Sunbury Road.

A key issue also remains — that is, the two-lane bluestone bridge in Bulla. The bridge, despite being aesthetically pleasing, cannot cater for the volume of traffic that currently uses it. There are a number of pressing, urgent matters to do with the bridge, and certainly in my view the construction of the Bulla bypass and the duplication of Sunbury Road, which has long been talked about, cannot happen soon enough. The future growth of Sunbury’s south into Diggers Rest through precinct structure plans 1074 and 1075, as well as the growth along that further Macedon Ranges corridor, is happening reasonably quickly, and I ask the minister to join with me in inspecting the road at his earliest opportunity.