Adjournment- Sunbury electorate roads

Mr  J. BULL (Sunbury) — (12 286) My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Roads and Roads Safety. The action I seek is for the minister to join me on a road trip travelling north up the Calder Freeway towards Sunbury. During this trip I want to highlight Calder Park Drive that runs east–west and then south off the Calder Freeway.

Since being elected in November 2014, I have had regular meetings with the Calder Action Group. This group is comprised of passionate residents who advocate strongly for improvements on the Calder Freeway. Many of these residents are, of course, from Sunbury and are very keen to see improvements on the Calder. Unlike existing overpasses — at Gap Road, Sunbury; Vineyard Road, Sunbury; Bulla-Diggers Rest Road–Old Calder Highway; and Kings Road further south — Calder Park Drive intersects directly with the freeway without an overpass or designated merging lanes. This presents a significant issue for both drivers and cyclists and sees speed reduced to 80 kilometres an hour for a significant stretch of road.

I have met with many Sunbury residents keen to see this improved, and no doubt residents of Gisborne, Woodend and Macedon will all certainly be keen to — —

Mr Richardson interjected.

Mr J. BULL — They are great communities, member for Mordialloc. They will certainly be very keen to see this done.

I have raised a number of road issues with the minister. I was so very pleased to be able to join him to announce $6.4 million for the signalisation of the Gap Road and Horne Road roundabout in Sunbury. I remind those opposite that for four long, dark, lonely, miserable, wasted years, like every other project in my electorate, this was not funded. Once again, I look forward to having the minister out for this very exciting road trip.