Constituency questions – Sunbury Schools

Mr J. BULL (Sunbury) (11:53:05) — (14 110) My question is for the Minister for Early Childhood Education who is also the Minister for Youth Affairs. What are the design and construction time lines for the brand-new $3.3 million early learning centre at the site of Sunbury Heights Primary School and Sunbury Downs College? This is a wonderful project which builds on our commitment of a $4.2 million investment for a shared facility at the site and of course a $3.9 million upgrade for Sunbury Downs College. This continues the Andrews Labor government’s fantastic record investment in Sunbury schools at Tullamarine Primary School, Sunbury College, Salesian College, Kismet Park Primary School, Diggers Rest Primary School and of course Sunbury and Macedon Ranges Specialist School, which has a campus in the electorates of both the member for Macedon and mine. Again, I ask for those time lines from the minister.